Attend our General Assembly 2024

Click here to Register

​We open the possibility for everyone to be a part of our mission wherever you are,
to let us know that you appreciate our work, and to stay connected in a special way.
We offer you a place in the Membership of our NGO.

The membership fee is symbolic, you simply need to forward us the symbolic annual fee ​and drop us a message at

  • ​​for students/unemployed/etc – 50 SEK (5 EUR) per year
  • for employed and who can afford – 100 SEK (10 EUR) per year​

Obviously, it is not to make us rich but to make a formal sign
that you support our work, both in Suderbyn and outside.

 We would keep in touch with the formal members with meaningful updates and inspiring stories from Suderbyn and RELEARN
news, and invitations. Plus you will be the first one to whom we share invitations to join
events, training, and projects to which we have access.

As a voting member, you also get a right to vote for selecting RELEARN Council
at the Annual Meeting.

But first and foremost  the membership means we feel care and connection from you,
which warms up our daily efforts for a better world.


We do not have a magic button that transfers your money automatically as we are not connected to a commercial payment system.
Please take a minute to transfer your contribution from your online bank or swish. 

Message on the payment: “Relearn Membership” and your name

For domestic transfers (in Sweden) use Swish or Bankgiro 

Swish n°; 123 318 75 15

​Bankgiro: 143-2400

International Payments

Account Holder: RELEARN Suderbyn
Bank: Sparbanken Gotland
Domestic account nr: 8055-6, 04 508 113-0
IBAN: SE9280000805560045081130
Address: Visbyvägen 35 B, 62254 ROMAKLOSTER

If any questions please send an email to

​More information: 

Below, you can find a narrative report and financial report for our operations in 2023

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Organisation number:  802438-3765

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