Suderbyn Work Domains

“In Suderbyn we are all volunteers”

Suderbyn Work Domains

Suderbyn is a dynamic place where things are co-created on all levels. We structure our daily work in four major domains. All permanent residents and all volunteers involve themselves in the domain(s) where they feel motivated, feel they can contribute and where the work gives them energy and new learning opportunities.

Follow the links below and read more about our four work domains.


Building and mainatainance are cornerstones in making our infrastructure flow as smoothly as possible. We aim to follow permaculture principles, and work with sustainable solutions.


RELEARN is a non-profit NGO working locally and internationally with education, engagement and international cooperation for sustainable development.


Our garden provides us with organic food, as well as an opportunity to interact with and learn from nature.. It is based on permaculture design and principles and is veganic (vegan + organic).


If you combine 25 people, an international learning NGO, a car/bike pool and infinite ideas to create more sustainable solutions you need a serious amount of administration. This is the magic that happens in our office domain.
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