Information for visitors
Practical details if you want to visit or stay with us
Information to keep in mind

All communally bought and served food is vegan. Every weekday, one or two people cook for the community and on Sundays we usually have a pancake brunch.

Managing expectations: Suderbyn is situated in a semi-rural area, next to the main road of Gotland and to the military base. Even if it still is a beautiful place, do not anticipate an ecovillage lost in the middle of the woods 😉

Suderbyn follows the natural rhythm of the seasons. It means that summer is incredibly busy, and winter is more a time for self-reflection and cosy afternoons next to the fireplace.

We promote a healthy lifestyle. Although strongly discouraged, smoking is allowed only in specifically designated areas, never indoors. Please read our Co-Living Principles for more details.

We try to grow most of our food ourselves, but have not yet reached full self-sufficiency.

We use compost toilets, separating urine and solids. But if you need to pee, the best is to just do it in the garden
(at least 50 m from the pump station).
Practical information for visitors
All of us who live in Suderbyn contribute time and energy to developing the ecovillage as a place and as a community. Creating a new model of society is a challenging but inspiring task. It takes a lot of effort, time and commitment. We who live here contribute not only to keep Suderbyn running well, but also to the social wellbeing of the community. We ask our visitors and guests to be considerate and respectful of our lifestyles and values.
Here in Suderbyn, we live simply (very simply, do not expect anything fancy), and in harmony with nature. We are not against innovative technologies and we use them ourselves when needed, but we do appreciate traditional knowledge and low-tech solutions which empower us and allow us to make more things ourselves instead of buying everything from far-away countries.
This is not a perfect ecovillage, of course, but we are trying to live ecologically, sustainably and creatively; to respect nature and each other.

Prices (not for ESCs)
We usually accept visitors that wants to stay 2 weeks or more except for exceptional situations.
All of us living in Suderbyn pay for our rent and food, and so do our visitors, even volunteers.
The rent depends on the room size and comfort. The rents vary from 2000 to 3850 SEK per month for rooms. Renting a spot for a tent is 1100 SEK per month, and for 500 SEK per month you can also rent a tent from us (so, a total of 1600 SEK per month).
The food is 1900 SEK per month and is 100% ecological, vegan, and very good quality. Everyone can eat what, when and how much they want, though we try to be aware of our consumption habits.
For shorter visits (less than 21 days), a bed is 150 SEK/night, a tent is 100 SEK/night, and food costs 150 SEK per day (breakfast: 30 SEK, lunch: 60 SEK, dinner: 60 SEK).
Working volunteers who contribute 4 or more hours of work per day, pay a reduced bed cost of 75 SEK/day, tent cost of 50 SEK/day and food cost of 75 SEK/day (includes all meals).
For the visits of journalists, media, companies, funded projects, these are the prices: bed is 250 SEK/night, food 375 SEK/day (75SEK breakfast, 150 SEK lunch and dinner).
Volunteering work
Those who permanently live in Suderbyn (meaning they have lived here for over 6 months and have become a member) are asked to contribute at least 10 hours of volunteering per week, though most people tend to invest more time. Independent volunteers are requested to work at least 4 hours a day, thus 20 hours a week. This time can be filled by domain-specific work, cooking, cleaning, attending the morning meetings/community meetings/working group meetings, organizing social events.
Sheets, towels and working clothes
We have towels and sheets which you can use, but please make sure to wash them before you leave. Or, if you leave early in the morning, ask someone from the community to help you. Feel free to bring some work clothes/shoes, but we also have community work clothes which you can borrow. We also have a ‘freeshop’ in which you can find lots of clothes and donate those you no longer want.
Ecological and Biodegradable Products
We support buying only ecological food products when buying personal food. We use ONLY biodegradable personal hygiene products, such as shampoo, tooth paste, etc., and we expect the same from our guests. If you do not have 100% natural (biodegradable) personal hygiene products, you can buy them in Suderbyn. We urge you not to use non-biodegradable products because they will end up in our water supply.
Guided tours
See the ecovillage and learn about the history and organisation. To book send an email to info@suderbyn.se
1 hour tour prices:
- Up to 4 people = 1000 in summer, 700 in winter
- 4+ people = 250 / person in summer, 175/person in winter
- Students half price
- Children from 14 years old pay a half price, below that age is free.
- People from ecovillages if they contact us by email with their story pay half price.
2 hours tour + fika prices:
- Up to 4 people = 1600 in summer, 1200 in winter
- 4+ people 400/person in summer, 300/person winter
- Students half price
- Children from 14 years old pay a half price, below is free.
If you want to move in
If you are thinking of moving to Suderbyn, we recommend visiting first, to see the place, how we live, and how we work together. If you like Suderbyn and feel that you would like to live here,
You are welcome to come back and become a “Suderbyn Explorer”. However, you can also come as a Suderbyn Explorer directly.
Suderbyn Explorer
This is a try-out period that lasts one year.
Explorers are asked to contribute to the community with at least 20 working hours a week. This time can be filled by domain-specific work, cooking, cleaning, attending the morning meetings/community meetings/working group meetings, organizing social events.
During that year, there will be feedback sessions every three months. In these sessions, you and a few community members will reflect on how your integration is going and how your presence benefits the community. At the end of each session, the community members will vote on your continued stay.
During your time as an explorer, you can choose to have a “buddy”, a person who helps you integrate and give feedback.
After the 4th feedback session, you and the community make the final decision about whether you and Suderbyn are a good fit. If both sides consent, you will officially become a Suderbyn resident.
Specific skills and expertise
In Suderbyn we have different working domains (Infrastructure/Garden/Office/NGO) which need specific skills and expertise. These skills will be an asset and considered during the selection:
Infrastructure: electrician, carpenter, mechanic, welding skills, ecobuilding, networking (also in Swedish), leadership skills.
Garden: permaculture, biodynamic farming, organic farming, preserving food
Office: administration, finance management, external communication, community building skills.

Permanent membership
In the current structure, every community member pays for their rent and food. There is a possibility to become a member and co-owner of our cooperative, “Suderbyn People-Care” when these requirements are met:
- Having lived in Suderbyn for at least 6 months
- Making a one-time donation of
10 000 SEK to “Suderbyn Earth-Care”, the foundation that owns the land - Making a refundable contribution of 5 000 SEK to “Suderbyn People-Care Cooperative”
- Signing a membership contract with the cooperative
Membership lowers monthly prices for food and rent, and lowers the minimum hourly community contribution to 10 hours per week.